Battery Chargers

There are several factors to consider when choosing the best charger for your vape batteries. Not least of which is the size batteries you use.

A charger that can accurately, safely, and promptly charge various sized batteries is what vapers are looking for. But many 18650 chargers don’t take 20700 and 21700 batteries, which are larger and of a higher capacity than 18650.

Since those 20-sized batteries are appearing more and more in vapes now, older chargers likely won’t fit those cells.

There are lots of features offered today in battery chargers. Power bank usage, the ability to use a charger as a data transfer, and Bluetooth capabilities are just a few of the modern extras you can find. The most important features for a vape battery charger are more basic, but critical for safe charging.

Reverse polarity: the charger won’t charge if inserted incorrectly
Over-charge protection: reduces stress on batteries
Li-ion capability: the typical type of battery used in vaping

How to charge your batteries

Charging a battery is simple. There are things that are considered safe and unsafe practices though. The dos and don’ts of charging a vape battery are:

Do: Insert battery negative side first
Do: Remove batteries when finished charging
Do: Use charge cables and cords that came with charger
Do: Charge your batteries before first use
Do: Make sure the charger is compatible with your battery chemistry
Do not: Force large cells into charger if they don’t comfortably fit
Do not: Leave batteries in charger after charging to avoid overcharging
Do not: Modify your charger in any way
Do not: Use chargers for wrong battery chemistry
Do not: Charge batteries with damaged wrappers due to fire hazard
Do not: Charge replaceable cells via on-board USB ports in vape device

Most modern chargers come equipped with safety features. That said, using safe battery charger practices is required of the user. Electronic features can sometimes fail, so proper and safe usage from the user is the last line of defense against any potential hazards.

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Nitecore I2 charger
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Nitecore I4 Charger
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